Policies and Plans

Annual School Reports

Parkwood PS Annual Report 2022

Business Plan

2024-2025 Parkwood PS Business Plan.pdf

2021 Public School Review

Parkwood Primary School recently participated in the Public School Review process, below is the outcome.

PPS School Review 2021 

Communication & Concerns Guidelines

Communication Guidelines.docx

Positive Behaviour Support

The purpose of our WA PBS team is to implement through a consultative process, a positive culture that is consistent and shared by the whole school community.  Our intention is to foster a positive, safe and supportive learning environment at Parkwood Primary School to improve learning outcomes and social behaviour skills.

Below is the Behaviour Guideline for Parkwood Primary School. This document details the behavioural expectations, positive reinforcement strategies and the procedural consequences for students at Parkwood Primary School. 

Behaviour Guideline 

Healthy Food Guide

Healthy Food Guide

Uniform & Dress Code

Parkwood Primary School Dress Code Policy.pdf

Medical Policy

Form 3 Administration of Medication Short Term

BYOD: iPad at PPS

2024 BYOD Parent Information.pdf

Mobile Phone Policy